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What is young driver insurance?

Young driver? No problem.

Helping young drivers aged between 17 and 25 with access to find cheaper car insurance premiums is kind of our thing.

All risk and no reward?

Nothing we say can change the fact that your age group is the riskiest on the road. Young drivers face particularly high risks following their driving test Young driver insurance policies can come with a hefty price tag, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be backed by the cover you need whenever you get behind the wheel.

We’ve got you covered

Whether you’re looking for learner driver insurance, an insurance policy that covers you in your parents’ car, or are ready to insure your own car, the comparison service can help you get insured without breaking the bank. Affordable young driver insurance really can exist!

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Compare car insurance quotes from more than 120 Providers to find the best young driver insurance for you

Is fully comprehensive the best type of insurance for young drivers?

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to young driver insurance, and there are pros and cons to every type of policy.

With fully comprehensive insurance, you’ll benefit from:

  • Protection for you and your vehicle in an accident
  • Protection in the event of fire or theft
  • Protection for third-party vehicles, pedestrians, and other road users


  • It might not be the cheapest type of car insurance policy available (although this is changing)
  • You might not be covered for personal items stolen from your car
  • It might not be necessary if your car is older with a lot of miles on the clock
People Exchanging Information Car Crash Behind Them

What young driver insurance options are there?

Comprehensive insurance

Fully comprehensive car insurance is the most coverage you can get, protecting you, your car, and any other drivers, vehicles, or pedestrians affected in an accident.

Third-Party Fire & Theft Insurance

As well as protecting other people and their cars, this type of car insurance policy will also protect you if your wheels are stolen or go up in flames.

Third-Party Insurance

Third-party Insurance is the minimum legal level of insurance in the UK. It covers damage to other vehicles and injuries to other people. You and your car get nothing.

Black Box Insurance

Having a black box installed could save you money on your renewal as it rewards you for being a safe and careful driver.

Learner Driver Insurance

Learner driver car insurance policies help provisional licence holders up their practice hours and hone their skills by insuring you to drive a parent or friend’s car.

Pay as you Go Insurance

Perfect for young drivers who don’t drive regularly, Pay As You Go car insurance policies let you pay by the mile on your own or a shared car.



What extras can I get with young driver car insurance?

Looking for a little something extra? Here are some of the most popular add-ons you can tack onto your policy:


Breakdown cover

With breakdown cover, you can say goodbye to being stranded by the side of the motorway if your car breaks down.

Windscreen cover

You can make a claim to cover the cost of a cracked or shattered windscreen.

Car key cover

If you lose your key or have it stolen, this cover will replace it, change the locks, and pay for any call-out charges.

Legal cover

Cover the cost of legal representation if you’re facing action related to an accident or injuries caused to someone else.

Courtesy car cover

Get back on the road ASAP with a replacement car to drive while yours is with the mechanic.

Driving abroad cover

Make that dream European roadtrip a reality with cover that protects you while in the UK and abroad.

Personal accident cover

This cover will pay out if you’re injured in an accident.

Misfuel cover

If you get confused at the pump and accidentally fill up with diesel instead of petrol, this cover will pay for any engine damage.

No-claims discount protection

With NCD protection, even if you make a claim, your no claims history will stay the same.

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Hey did you know?

It might not sound like it, but fully comprehensive insurance can often be the cheapest car insurance for young drivers! That’s why it could be worth comparing different policy types when searching for your young driver insurance quotes to make sure you find the best deal.

You could save up to £515* on young driver insurance

What is the best time to buy car insurance

What information do I need to apply for young driver insurance quotes?

To get your quotes, you’ll need to provide a few details about yourself and your car, including:

  • Your personal details

    Some personal info – like your name, age, address, and job

  • Your car details

    Your car’s registration number and estimated value

  • How you use your car

    Do you use the car for social, commuting, or work and how many miles you travel

  • Your driving history

    Your driving record – including your no claims bonus and any previous accidents or offences

  • Additional drivers?

    Details of any additional drivers

  • Level of insurance cover:

    Fully comp, 3rd Party or TPF&T

Smiling Woman looking relaxed in car she is not fronting car insurance

Why is car insurance for young drivers so expensive?

It’s all about risk and insurance costs.

The facts don’t lie – statistically young drivers are more likely than other road users to get involved in an accident and make a claim on their insurance.

There are lots of reasons for this; new drivers are less experienced, might not be able to judge speed and stopping distances very well, and are more likely to take chances.

The higher the risk, the higher your young driver’s insurance premiums will be.

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Man With Hands Covering Toy Car On Insurance Document
Woman Holding Steering Wheel Navigating the Common myths about Black Box Car Finance

Are black box policies cheaper for young drivers?

Black box insurance, also known as telematics, isn’t the bogeyman it’s often made out to be. While it won’t help you save straightaway, it could make your renewal next year cheaper.

They’re watching you.

There’s no sugar-coating it; having a black box fitted will mean your insurer will monitor your driving.

Understandably, this can raise alarm bells, especially with civil liberty campaigners who worry about the potential invasion of privacy. Their concerns are legitimate, but drivers who switch to telematics insurance could save £482 a year on average.

It might not sound like it, but being observed could be a win/win.

Not only can driving safely cut the cost of your annual car insurance premium, but it could also help you hone your skills as a new driver and make it less likely you’ll end up in an accident.

Think less Big Brother more careful driving cheerleader.

Can I get temporary insurance for young drivers?

Sometimes temporary solutions are more than just a sticking plaster.

If you’re polishing your P plates but still need some pre-test practice or borrowing your Mum’s car for that cheeky weekend away, temporary car insurance can provide the interim cover you need.

Temporary car insurance is a means of car sharing insurance, which provides coverage without impacting the car owner’s No Claims Discount and offers both short-term and annual policies.

Keep in mind that if your temporary car insurance is a learner driver policy and you pass your test, you won’t be covered any more.

But finding a new insurer is a small price to pay for finally having that pink licence, right?

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Woman Leaning Out Of Car Happy

How can I get cheaper car insurance for young drivers ?

Let’s cut to the chase; you want to spend less on your young driver insurance. While it’s never a good idea to lie about your age (or any other details) as this will void your policy, there are ways that you can save on your premium:

1. Compare car insurance quotes online

1. Compare car insurance quotes online

It doesn’t pay to be loyal to insurance providers!

Loyalty is great in a relationship, not so good with car insurance. Avoid the auto-renew and use a comparison site to compare quotes so you can find the best car insurance deal for you.

2. Get a car in a low insurance group
Hands Cradling Silver Toy Car

2. Don't modify your car

A modified car will cost more to insure!

While a turbo sound system or a new set of alloys might be tempting, they’re also a temptation for thieves, putting your car at a higher risk of being stolen. 

3. DON'T modify your car
Happy Woman Leaning Out Of Drivers Window

3. Invest in extra security

Increase the security of your car!

Try to park in a secure garage, especially overnight, and consider equipping your car with anti-theft devices like an alarm or immobiliser. 

4. Extra security for your car
Man Pushing Red Toy Car Over A Calculator With Coins

4. Choose a higher voluntary excess

Increasing your Voluntary Excess should lower your insurance cost!

The more you agree to pay towards any claim, the cheaper your premium will likely be. A compulsory excess is usually fixed, but the voluntary amount you set is up to you.  

5. Choose a higher voluntary excess
Mans Hands On The Steering Wheel Of A Car

5. Reduce your annual mileage

It’s true. The lower the distance you drive, the less your insurance premium!

Don’t overestimate your annual mileage and say you’ll drive 10,000 miles a year if you only drive half of that.  Insurance providers consider the less time you spend on the road, the lower your risk of having an accident which can translate into cheaper car insurance costs.

6. Limit your mileage
Car On Country Road Autumn

6. Add an experienced named driver

Adding a parent to your policy will likely lower your insurance!

Never list someone as the main driver; if they’re not, that is Fronting which is insurance fraud. However adding a parent as a named driver to your car insurance, especially if they have a safe driving history and years of experience, can help you secure cheaper car insurance while ensuring the coverage you need. It’s essential that the named driver also uses the vehicle.

7. Add an experienced driver to your policy
Girl In Toy Car Yellow Background

7. Take an advanced driving course

Not only might you get cheaper insurance, but you'll gain some driving skills

While it’s not guaranteed that you’ll get a cheaper car insurance premium, improving your driving skills will make you safer on the road. Consider a Pass Plus or IAM RoadSmart course.

8. Drive safe

8. Drive safe

The insurance provider loves low-risk drivers!

Safe drivers are rewarded, even young drivers, with cheaper insurance.

However, getting penalty points and speeding fines will result in higher insurance costs, so drive carefully and save money.

Not to mention the fines you’ll need to pay out if you get caught speeding, at least £100! It’s not worth it – stay safe.

9. Avoid claiming on your insurance

9. Avoid claiming on your insurance

Don’t make a claim, and your no-claims bonus will increase!

After just one year of motoring as a new driver without making a claim, you get a “no claims discount” of 30% on the following year’s insurance.

Your ‘No Claims Bonus’ continues to rise annually to a maximum of 60 to 65%.

Don’t worry about changing insurers, though. You don’t need to be loyal to your provider. Your NCB is transferable to your new insurer.

Is it cheaper for young drivers to drive their parents’ car?

It can sometimes be cheaper to be added to your parents’ policy as a named driver rather than getting your own car and separate policy.

But don’t be surprised if your parents’ insurance premium increases to reflect the extra risk of having you behind the wheel.

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Woman Changing Controls On Car Radio
Red Toy Car Next To Calculator And Coins On A Form

Should I pay my insurance monthly or annually?

Most insurers will let you pay for a full year upfront or split the cost into twelve monthly payments.

However, spreading the cost over time is usually the more expensive option. If you’re looking to save every penny possible – and can afford an annual premium – that’s the cheapest way to buy insurance.

What’s the best insurance group for young drivers?

 There are 50 car insurance groups, and every car sits in one of them. The cheapest makes and models – usually with the smallest engines – occupy the lowest groups, while more expensive high-performance cars will sit in groups 20 and above.

The lower the group, the cheaper your insurance quotes will be.

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Young drivers car insurance: your questions answered

Why do I need a credit check to get car insurance?

When young drivers apply for a car insurance quote directly or through a comparison website, the insurance provider will do a “soft check.” Don’t worry; this is to check your details and won’t affect your credit score.

However, Insurance providers will do a “hard search” (credit check) if you want to pay for your car insurance monthly.

Why is comprehensive insurance cheaper?

It depends!

Comprehensive insurance is undoubtedly the best available – it offers the most protection and can give you lower insurance premiums.

However, as there are more types of incidents to pay for, your insurer can sometimes charge a high premium.

Insurers also take into account the psychology of their customers – if someone is looking to buy a less comprehensive cover, they could potentially be less responsible and more likely to crash in the first place.

In general, it’s hard to predict. Make sure you always compare the price of comprehensive insurance, even if you’re shopping around for the cheapest one possible. You can often find it for the same price or even cheaper than a lower cover plan!


Does my job affect my car insurance?

Sadly yes, the cost of your insurance will be affected by your occupation. It is just one of many factors that the insurance company will use to work out how much to charge you.

However, you mustn’t try to change your job title to reduce your quote price. You could get caught out here and even end up paying more!

Also, if your occupation means a lot of driving, you can expect a higher premium – due to more time on the road!

How do I work out my car’s value?

There are many free car valuation tools online that you can use to estimate your car’s value for your insurance quote.

You can also look at used-car listings to see the current price of a similar model and condition to yours.

The car’s current value depends on a range of factors, including its make, age, mileage, service history, modifications, and general condition.

Typically, you don’t have to be 100% accurate when applying for insurance. Give an approximate value based on your research.


How do I estimate my annual mileage?

Your insurance quote will ask for how many miles you drive a year.

Never overestimate. You’ll end up paying more for your insurance. In the same token, don’t underestimate, as you could invalidate your policy.

You can estimate your mileage by calculating how many miles you drive every day or week and then adding them to work out your annual use.

Alternatively, check your MOT certificate or car service record, which will show how many miles you’ve driven. You can use this as a basis to calculate your future mileage!

Does my car insurance policy give me the right to drive someone else’s car?

In the vast majority of plans, No.

Some fully comprehensive car insurance policies allow the main driver on that policy to drive someone else’s car (naturally, look into your policy documents to be 100% sure)!

Unfortunately, very few insurance policies include new, young or inexperienced drivers driving a car belonging to someone else.

Why does the insurer need my driving licence number?

Your DVLA licence tells the insurer many things about you.

You have to provide this so that the insurer can have accurate data on your driving history.

If you don’t, you could have your claim invalidated in the event of an accident, costing you a fortune and rendering the insurance pointless!

DVLA will tell your insurer:

  • You’re legally entitled to drive.
  • Any penalty points or convictions you have.
  • Past disqualifications.
  • The type of license and how long you’ve held it.

Can I transfer my no-claims bonus to a new policy?

Yes! Your new insurer will ask you how much NCB you’re entitled to and then do their checks.

Most of the time, insurers will do this on your behalf. However, insurers aren’t exact equals, so an insurer can work from their no-claims discount schemes and work to their own rules.

Occasionally, you may need to supply evidence from your previous insurer to prove that you have an NCB. Get in touch with your old insurer if you need to acquire any written records.

Many insurers won’t recognise no-claims bonuses that you’ve gained as a named driver on someone else’s policy (like a parent). Also, if you’ve been off the road for a few years, your no-claims discount likely won’t be valid anymore.

I had to make an insurance claim last year. Will my premiums go up?

insurance price will go up if you have an insurance claim.

How long is my insurance quote valid?

When you get car insurance quotes via YoungCarDriver, you’ll notice that some insurers use ‘real-time’ pricing, while others hold their price between 10 and 30 days.

We can’t guarantee you the same price if you come back later – your quote could go up. You are more likely to achieve a lower quote the earlier you start looking.

Will I be charged if I cancel my policy?

Cancel your drivers insurance policy within the 14 days cooling-off period, and your insurer will refund you less any time you’ve already had covered.
Also, most insurers reserve the right to charge an admin fee – which can be pretty high, so make sure you’re happy with that before you sign on the dotted line.

If you cancel after the cooling-off period and pay by monthly instalments, you may not be entitled to a refund. Some providers may charge an extra premium to include the time you’ve had covered and a cancellation fee. Take a look at your policy for details.

What admin fees should I expect?

There shouldn’t be any fees to your policy unless you cancel or require replacement documents.

However, most insurers charge an adjustment fee for changing an address or adding a driver to the policy. At the same time, other providers may allow you to make simple changes online without a charge.

Where can I compare car insurance quotes for young drivers?

Right here at YoungCarDriver! Compare a wide range of the UK’s most trusted car insurance providers to find competitive driver insurance deals.
Compare car insurance for young drivers today and start saving.