What is young driver insurance?

Young driver? No problem.

Helping drivers aged between 17 and 25 get cheaper car insurance is our thing.

All risk and no reward?

Nothing we say can change the fact that your age group are the riskiest on the road. Getting insured as a young driver can come with a hefty price tag, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be backed by the cover you need whenever you get behind the wheel.

We’ve got you covered

We don’t tar all young drivers with the same brush. Whether you’re looking for temporary insurance while you’re still learning, a policy that covers you in your parents’ car, or are ready to insure your first car, we’re here to help you get insured without breaking the bank.

What information do I need to apply for young driver car insurance?

Compare quotes from more than 110 Providers to find the best young driver insurance for you

What type of young driver car insurance do you need?

1. Comprehensive Insurance

Fully comp is the most coverage you can get, protecting you, your car, and any other drivers, vehicles, or pedestrians affected in an accident.

2. Third-Party Fire & Theft Insurance

This type of policy protects other people and their cars, as well as you if your wheels are stolen or go up in flames.

3. Third-Party Insurance

Third Party is the minimum legal level of insurance in the UK and only covers damage to other vehicles and injuries to other people. You and your car get nothing.

How car insurance works through Autedia

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Check out the different types of insurance and choose between annual and monthly payments to build the perfect deal.

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Once you’ve found the policy for you, simply click through to purchase online. You could be fully covered in minutes!

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Don’t have your Registration Number? No problem, click here

Looking for Cheap Car Insurance for Young Drivers?

Comparing quotes is a simple and fast way to find the best car insurance for young drivers.

Don’t have your Registration Number? No problem, click here

Don’t have your Registration Number? No problem, click here

You could save time and money using a comparison website for young driver insurance quotes - not your previous insurer

Has your car insurance renewal quote arrived?

What! You expected a better offer from your existing insurance provider. Whatever gave you that idea?

Shock, curse, then pay up – that’s what most people do.

Car insurance providers cannot charge new and existing customers different prices. However, you can browse quotes and find the best car insurance to suit you on a comparison website.

Many young drivers miss out on a cheaper car insurance quote simply because they don’t try.

Don’t have your Registration Number? No problem, click here

Why is car insurance for young drivers so expensive?

As a younger person, it can seem unfair that young driver insurance is expensive. However, there are pretty solid reasons why!

According to Brake, the road safety charity, young drivers under 25 are at a greater risk of crashing their cars than older drivers.

After passing the driving test, young drivers are likelier to take a chance in the first few years, making them a greater liability to the insurer.

The higher the risk to the insurer, the more your insurance premium. Often, as a young person, you pay less sadly, that is not going to happen with car insurance.

You are most likely to get a cheaper insurance deal by changing insurers. Switching car insurance is an excellent way for young drivers to cut the cost of their premiums.

Black box insurance for young drivers

Do you need something different from ordinary car insurance? As a young driver, especially between 17 and 19, you recently passed your driving test and are looking for your first insurance policy. You might find black box car insurance is more accessible and cheaper for you.

How to get cheaper car insurance for young drivers - here are Nine things that can help!

Thankfully, there are a few things that a young driver can do to get cheaper car insurance

Don’t have your Registration Number? No problem, click here

FAQs: Young drivers car insurance: your questions answered

Why do I need a credit check to get car insurance?
When young drivers apply for a car insurance quote directly or through a comparison website, the insurance provider will do a “soft check.” Don’t worry; this is to check your details and won’t affect your credit score.

However, Insurance providers will do a “hard search” (credit check) if you want to pay for your car insurance monthly.

Why is comprehensive insurance cheaper?
It depends!

Comprehensive insurance is undoubtedly the best available – it offers the most protection and can give you lower insurance premiums.

However, as there are more types of incidents to pay for, your insurer can sometimes charge a high premium.

Insurers also take into account the psychology of their customers – if someone is looking to buy a less comprehensive cover, they could potentially be less responsible and more likely to crash in the first place.

In general, it’s hard to predict. Make sure you always compare the price of comprehensive insurance, even if you’re shopping around for the cheapest one possible. You can often find it for the same price or even cheaper than a lower cover plan!


Does my job affect my car insurance?
Sadly yes, the cost of your insurance will be affected by your occupation. It is just one of many factors that the insurance company will use to work out how much to charge you.

However, you mustn’t try to change your job title to reduce your quote price. You could get caught out here and even end up paying more!

Also, if your occupation means a lot of driving, you can expect a higher premium – due to more time on the road!


How do I work out my car’s value?
There are many free car valuation tools online that you can use to estimate your car’s value for your insurance quote.

You can also look at used-car listings to see the current price of a similar model and condition to yours.

The car’s current value depends on a range of factors, including its make, age, mileage, service history, modifications, and general condition.

Typically, you don’t have to be 100% accurate when applying for insurance. Give an approximate value based on your research.


How do I estimate my annual mileage?
Your insurance quote will ask for how many miles you drive a year.

Never overestimate. You’ll end up paying more for your insurance. In the same token, don’t underestimate, as you could invalidate your policy.

You can estimate your mileage by calculating how many miles you drive every day or week and then adding them to work out your annual use.

Alternatively, check your MOT certificate or car service record, which will show how many miles you’ve driven. You can use this as a basis to calculate your future mileage!


Does my driver insurance policy give me the right to drive someone else’s car?
In the vast majority of plans, No.

Some fully comprehensive car insurance policies allow the main driver on that policy to drive someone else’s car (naturally, look into your policy documents to be 100% sure)!

Unfortunately, very few insurance policies include new, young or inexperienced drivers driving a car belonging to someone else.

Why does the insurer need my driving licence number?
Your DVLA licence tells the insurer many things about you.

You have to provide this so that the insurer can have accurate data on your driving history.

If you don’t, you could have your claim invalidated in the event of an accident, costing you a fortune and rendering the insurance pointless!

DVLA will tell your insurer:

  • You’re legally entitled to drive.
  • Any penalty points or convictions you have.
  • Past disqualifications.
  • The type of license and how long you’ve held it.


Can I transfer my no-claims bonus to a new policy?
Yes! Your new insurer will ask you how much NCB you’re entitled to and then do their checks.

Most of the time, insurers will do this on your behalf. However, insurers aren’t exact equals, so an insurer can work from their no-claims discount schemes and work to their own rules.

Occasionally, you may need to supply evidence from your previous insurer to prove that you have an NCB. Get in touch with your old insurer if you need to acquire any written records.

Many insurers won’t recognise no-claims bonuses that you’ve gained as a named driver on someone else’s policy (like a parent). Also, if you’ve been off the road for a few years, your no-claims discount likely won’t be valid anymore.



I had to make an insurance claim last year. Will my premiums go up?
Unfortunately, yes. Driver insurance premiums can increase year on year whether you claim or not, so you can guarantee your insurance price will go up if you have an insurance claim.


How long is my insurance quote valid?
When you get car insurance quotes via YoungCarDriver, you’ll notice that some insurers use ‘real-time’ pricing, while others hold their price between 10 and 30 days.

We can’t guarantee you the same price if you come back later – your quote could go up. You are more likely to achieve a lower quote the earlier you start looking.

Will I be charged if I cancel my policy?
Cancel your drivers insurance policy within the 14 days cooling-off period, and your insurer will refund you less any time you’ve already had covered.

Also, most insurers reserve the right to charge an admin fee – which can be pretty high, so make sure you’re happy with that before you sign on the dotted line.

If you cancel after the cooling-off period and pay by monthly instalments, you may not be entitled to a refund. Some providers may charge an extra premium to include the time you’ve had covered and a cancellation fee. Take a look at your policy for details.


What admin fees should I expect?
There shouldn’t be any fees to your policy unless you cancel or require replacement documents.

However, most insurers charge an adjustment fee for changing an address or adding a driver to the policy. At the same time, other providers may allow you to make simple changes online without a charge.


Where can I compare car insurance quotes for young drivers?
Right here at YoungCarDriver! Compare a wide range of the UK’s most trusted car insurance providers to find competitive driver insurance deals.

Compare car insurance for young drivers today and start saving.



What add-ons can you get with car insurance?

As a young driver taking out insurance, you will see many extras you can add to your insurance policy.

Some are free, but many of these additional features will cost extra.

Be careful only to select the items you need; otherwise, your insurance premium cost will soon shoot up.

YoungCarDriver recommended you never drive without breakdown insurance. The cost of breakdown insurance is minor compared to the peace of mind it brings.

Depending on your insurance provider, you’ll usually have the choice of these optional extras:

  • Breakdown cover which gives you access to roadside assistance if your car breaks down.
  • Windscreen cover allows you to claim the cost of replacing a cracked or shattered windscreen
  • No claims bonus protection covers you against the loss of any of your NCB in the event of an accident
  • Car key covers you for lost and stolen keys, replacement locks and call-out charges
  • Courtesy car cover gives you a replacement car to use while yours is in for repair.
  • Legal cover a payout for legal expenses related to an accident claim by you or another party.
  • Driving abroad cover allows you to take your vehicle abroad and drive in the EU.
  • Multi-car cover allows you to drive more than one car under a single policy.
  • Personal accident cover, a payout if you’re injured or killed in a road accident.
  • Replacement keys cover the expense of replacing a lost, damaged or stolen set of car keys.
  • Misfuel cover allows you to claim repair costs if you put the wrong fuel in your car and damage the engine

The Car Insurance Guide for the Young Driver

Everything you need to know to make the best decision when looking for car insurance.

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You could save up to £504*
*51% of consumers could save £504.25 on their Car Insurance. The saving was calculated by comparing the cheapest price found with the average of the next five cheapest prices quoted by insurance providers on Seopa Ltd’s insurance comparison website. This is based on representative cost savings from September 2023 data. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances and how you selected your current insurance supplier.