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Luca Dalton

When I first started driving, I never imagined that something as simple as an L plate could cause me so much trouble. Like many new drivers, I opted for magnetic L plates on my car. They seemed ideal—easy to attach, remove, and reposition. However, after a few months of proudly driving around with those plates,[…]

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I’m now on my fifth driving lesson, and I can feel my confidence growing with each session. The journey from being a complete beginner to becoming a more competent driver has been both challenging and rewarding. With each lesson, I’ve been gradually widening the area where I drive, tackling new roads and more complex driving[…]

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Luca Dalton

Hey everyone! I’m Luca, a 17-year-old student currently diving into the exciting world of driving. Let me take you on a little journey about myself, my passions, and my driving adventure. A bit about me I’m currently studying A levels in Maths, Physics, and Product Design, with a keen interest in pursuing some form of[…]

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