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Who can teach me to drive?

When can you teach someone to drive?
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Who can teach me to drive?

Who can supervise a learner driver?

Apart from a qualified driving instructor, who else can teach you to drive?

Mum, Dad, relatives or friends can teach you to drive in their car or yours, providing they have been driving for three years.

Learning to drive requires input, so spending time with family to practice and supplement your driving lessons is priceless.

However, teaching learner drivers can be a daunting responsibility with the constant changes in the driving laws to sweat and bad habits to avoid passing on.

Read on for the rules and requirements for teaching a learner driver.

Driving Practice

What is supervised driving practice from a parent or friend?

Supervised driving practice is when you learn to drive with a parent or other suitable person between driving lessons from a qualified instructor. Having someone supervise a learner driver is an excellent opportunity to clock up more hours on the road without paying for a driving instructor.

The DVSA (Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency) says the average learner needs around 45 hours of driving tuition with an instructor and 22 hours of additional practice with friends or family.

So, if, like most learner drivers, you don’t yet own a car, who do you know that would be happy to let you practice in theirs? You won’t be surprised to hear that, in most cases, it’s mum or dad that gets the call.

Alternatively, you may already own a car and want to drive it, but typically, your parents or family will still teach you alongside your driving instructor lessons.

Who can supervise a learner driver - eligability?

There are strict requirements for practising with family and friends.

The person supervising a learner driver must:

  • Be at least 21 years old.

  • Have held a full driving licence for 3 years from the UK or the EU.

  • Be qualified to drive the type of vehicle you want to learn. For example, they must have a manual licence if they supervise you in a manual car.

  • Not be currently banned from driving.

  • Learner driver insurance rules for teaching someone to drive

    Note: Unfortunately! Although the law states that someone from the age of 21 can supervise you with driving practice, many insurance companies impose a minimum age of 25 to teach someone to drive!

    However, many insurance companies do not follow this learner driver rule and impose a minimum age of 25 when you can teach someone to drive.

    Driving your car

    The learner driver insurance rules allow you to practice in your own car. You need your own provisional/learner driver insurance and add your supervisor as a named driver on the policy. However, most people practice in someone else’s car.

    Learning to drive in someone else’s car

    To practice in the supervisor’s vehicle, you need to either:

    • Make sure the car owner’s insurance policy covers you as a learner driver
    • Take out a learner driver insurance in your name to drive someone else’s car, and the policy will not affect the No Claims Bonus of the car owner’s insurance in case of a claim.
    Key Exchange

    22 hours

    Learner drivers who have an average of 22 hours of practice with a parent, family member or friend on top of their driving lessons are more likely to pass their driving test at the first attempt.

    Source DVSA, 2024

    Key tips for learner and supervisor

    Having a a parent or other family member teach you to drive can be more stressful than your driving instructor, so you must remain calm and patient. Share the following learner driver tips with the person teaching you to ensure they’re safe and give you the best advice.

    Make sure you already know the basics!
    Person Changing Gear

    Make sure you already know the basics!

    You should have covered the basic controls of the car with your driving instructor and be able to perform an emergency stop before you start supervised driving practice.

    In addition, your supervisor should speak to your instructor before hitting the road so they understand your strengths and weaknesses.

    Does your supervisor know the Highway Code?
    Winding Road

    Does your supervisor know the Highway Code?

    Check that the person teaching you to drive is up to date with the rules in the The Highway Code to supervise a learner you must be able to apply all the rules. The code is regularly updated, so make sure you check for any recent changes.

    Do they want a refresher lesson?
    Driving Independently Test

    Do they want a refresher lesson?

    Many supervisors choose to take a driving lesson with a driving instructor to refresh their skills before supervising a learner.

    Ask the learner’s driving instructor if they can give you a lesson before you start supervising the learner. This will help you avoid passing on:

    • any bad driving habits you’ve developed

    • old techniques that may have been updated since you passed your driving test

    Check the car is roadworthy!
    Man Removing Bolts Tyre

    Check the car is roadworthy!

    The vehicle owner must make sure the car is safe and legal to drive.

    Do you have the right insurance?
    Man Checking Documents

    Do you have the right insurance?


    Both you and your parent/supervisor must be insured when you have supervised driving practice. See teaching a learner driver insurance requirements

    Have you got L plates (or D plates in Wales)?
    Luca is about to start his theory driving test revision

    Have you got L plates (or D plates in Wales)?

    L (or D) plates must be displayed on the front and back of the car when the learner is driving. Plates must be removed when the supervisor is driving, indeed, when anyone with a full driving licence is driving the vehicle. A warning about how magnetic L plates can damage your vehicle.

    Reversing Manoeuvre


    We recommend using temporary removable rearview and wing mirrors to allow the supervisor to have enhanced visibility while the learner is driving.

    Be careful not to switch off and stay focused!
    Adi Driving Instructor

    Be careful not to switch off and stay focused!

    During driving practice, the supervising driver needs to remain vigilant and prepared for any hazard or emergency. This involves constant scanning for risks and being ready to intervene if required. Such focus ensures safety and teaches the learner to drive responsibly.

    Plan your route!
    Clear Road Uk

    Plan your route!

    Choose roads that are appropriate for your ability. The supervisor should make sure they’re clear and precise with their instructions and give ample notice.

    Avoid motorways!
    Closed Lane Motorway Scaled

    Avoid motorways!

    It’s illegal for a learner driver to go on the motorway without an approved driving instructor (ADI) in a vehicle fitted with duel controls.

    Can you take passengers when you practice?
    Car Ownership In The Uk

    Can you take passengers when you practice?

    Yes, driving on a provisional licence with passengers is legal. Other passengers can sit in the car while the learner is supervised, but they should not distract the learner while they’re driving.

    Night Drive!
    Workers In Road Night

    Night Drive!

    Yes, learner drivers can practice at night as long as they drive under the correct supervision. 

    No mobile phones!
    Mobile Phone When Driving

    No mobile phones!

    It is illegal to use a mobile phone while supervising a learner driver.

    No smoking!
    Book Driving Test Uk

    No smoking!

    Smoking is unlawful in a car if any occupants are under 18.

    Make sure you both Remain Calm!
    Driving Practice

    Make sure you both Remain Calm!

    Stop and take breaks to discuss how it’s going. Your supervisor should make sure it’s a well-ventilated and peaceful environment. They shouldn’t shout or do anything to raise your stress levels.


    Guidance - supervising a learner driver

    Check Eyesight Driving Test
    Clear Road Uk

    What is the “Drivers Record”

    Keep track of your private driving practice sessions when learning to drive a car. Record each session you complete with family or friends to share with your driving instructor. Use this specific form to log your practice, including driving:

    • At night
    • On various road types, such as country roads or dual carriageways
    • In different weather conditions

    Additionally, practice route planning and navigation.

    This record helps complement the progress made in your formal driving lessons. Note that there is a separate form for your driving instructor to document your progress during those lessons.

    Can learner drivers drive with Passengers?

    Check Eyesight Driving Test

    Can learner drivers drive at night?

    Yes, learner drivers are legally entitled to drive at night with the necessary insurance and supervision.

    However, driving when it is dark can be challenging for learner drivers but should not stop you from doing so, and we highlight here the specific points why they struggle to drive at night.

    Have in mind

    Reduced visibility of other road users

    Having to spot the headlights and taillights of other vehicles opposed to daylight visibility of the car.

    Reduced visibility of road markings at night

    During the daytime, road markings are visible. In contrast with night driving, road markings look faint, and learner drivers will need to adapt.

    Judging speed and distance in the dark

    When a car is driving in front of you in the daytime, it’s easy to see the distance. At night, it may look like a vehicle is moving more quickly than it is because you’re relying on the taillights as your reference point for the distance.

    Some learner driver insurance policies don’t allow you to drive at night

    Beware whilst learner drivers can drive legally at night. Although some insurance policies allow night driving, other provisional insurance companies may impose a curfew.

    Get learner driver insurance or go on the car owner’s insurance!

    Man Signing Vehicle Contract
    Speed Limit Sign

    Do speed limits differ for learner drivers in the UK?

    England, Scotland, and Wales speed limits are the same for learner drivers as those who have passed the driving test.

    However, Northern Ireland has a 45 miles per hour speed limit for learner drivers.

    Driving while uninsured – don’t do it.

    Insurance may not be the most exciting topic, but it’s as essential as your provisional licence if you want to learn to drive. Yet, despite this, there are reportedly half a million young drivers on the road without insurance.

    If caught driving without insurance, you may have to face up to the following consequences:

  • A fine of £300 and six penalty points on your provisional licence.

  • Should you already have six or more points on your provisional licence, you will have your licence revoked if you get just one more point in the 24 months after passing your test.

  • If you have a clean record for 24 months after passing your test, the points will remain on your licence for three years from the time of the offence.

  • It will be revoked if you get more than six points on your provisional licence before passing your test.

  • If your licence is revoked, you will need to start the entire process again. That includes applying for another licence, arranging lessons, retaking your theory and practical tests, and getting insurance.

    Vehicle Collision

    Be Aware!

    Just because someone has a driving licence doesn’t mean they’re qualified to supervise you. To teach you to drive, someone must be a minimum of 21 years old and have held a full driving licence for three years. Don’t get caught out.

    You can get fined up to £1,000 and receive up to six penalty points on your provisional licence if you get stopped driving alone or without the correct supervision.