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Black Box Insurance for Young Drivers

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You could save up to £515* on young driver insurance

What is the best time to buy car insurance

Black Box Car Insurance for Young Drivers

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Black Box Insurance Quotes

Black Box Window Sign

How does black box insurance work?

Rows Of Cars Parked Back To Back

Are telematics car insurance and black box insurance the same thing?

What is the black box driving score?

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Telematics Insurance


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How is your driving score calculated?

What are the key indicators on black box insurance driving scores?

The speed you drive
Speed Limit Sign
How you brake
Car Braking
Fast Car
Panoramic View Country Road
Mobile phone use
Mobile Phone When Driving

Other factors that can impact your driving score include

Time of day
Vehicle Standards Agency
The type and speed limit of roads you drive on
Pass Plus Schemes
Driver Score App

How can I view my Driver Score?

How is the black box installed?

V5c Document

Black box insurance myths

Night driving
Vehicle Standards Agency
Long/frequent drives
National Practice Test
Check mileage limits
Mileage Limit Black Box Insurance
Shift workers
Shift Workers Black Box Car Insurance

The telematics box can detect an accident and find a stolen vehicle

Man On Mobile Looking At Insurance Bonnet Up

Is black box car insurance a cheaper insurance than standard?

New Driver Passing Test

Black box car insurance for 17 year olds

How can black box insurance benefit young drivers?

Black box insurance is often more favourable for young drivers than standard insurance. In some cases, young drivers may not be able to get traditional insurance for many different reasons, leaving telematics insurance as their only available choice.

Typically, more than half of young drivers under 20 take out black box cover there is a sold reason for this, insurers see this age group as the highest risk.

Of course, some young drivers aren’t happy about the prospect of a black box – it can feel like someone is always watching you drive, and it seems to take away from your freedom.

However, you have nothing to worry about if you’re a safe driver! You’ll be fine if you’re not regularly speeding, putting your foot completely down to accelerate, and emergency braking every time you reach a traffic light.

By taking out telematics car insurance, you could achieve lower insurance premiums than with standard (no black box insurance).

According to data from Money Supermarket, a considerable proportion of younger customers take out a black box insurance policy:

As you can see, black box insurance is designed for the youngest and most inexperienced drivers.

If you’re getting on the road, lowering your insurance premium can be an excellent option. You won’t need it forever!

Teenagers Celebrating
Check Eyesight Driving Test

When you are looking for telematics insurance

Are there different kinds of telematics insurance devices?

Yep! There are a few types of telematics devices available

Black box

The black box is the most widely used type of telematics cover. Your insurer will arrange for a third party to install a black box in your car, which uses GPS to track your driving. ‘Black box’ might give off the impression of a large, invasive device, but it’s the size of a mobile. You won’t even notice it’s there


Like black box, plug-and-drive devices also use GPS technology, but rather than installing a black box; your insurer will send you a device that plugs into your car’s charging port or cigarette lighter.

You don’t need a third party to install it.

Smartphone App

Nowadays, some insurers offer an app you can install on your smartphone that tracks your driving similarly without installing a separate device in your car.

Do I have to pay the insurer to fit the black box in my car?