Drink Driving

Vulnerable Users
Driving Law
Fact: it just doesn’t make sense to drink and drive! By drink driving, you risk your life, those of your passengers, and others on the road.
Just don’t drink and drive – there is no excuse
No one can handle their drink! It’s a myth to think otherwise! Alcohol affects everyone’s driving, for the worse. Drunk drivers feel overconfident and can misjudge distance and speed. Their reactions are also slower, and they take longer to stop.
The term “it will be OK, I’m only going down the road” could not be less right. A substantial portion of all drink drive related crashes happen within three miles of the start of the journey.
The drink drive UK limits
The drink drive limit for England, Wales and Northern Ireland:
- 35 Microgrammes alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath.
- 80 Milligrammes alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.
- 107 Milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine.
The drink drive limit for Scotland:
- 22 Microgrammes alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath.
- 50 Milligrammes alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood.
- 67 Milligrammes alcohol per 100 millilitres of urine.

The Public Loo shocker
It’s easy to think you are safe to drive after drinking. Watch the clip below from Think UK, and you might change your mind.

You cannot calculate the amount of alcohol you can drink too remain below the alcohol limit.
It merely depends on so many factors, including:
- Your weight, age, sex and metabolism (the rate your body uses energy).
- The type and amount of alcohol you’re drinking.
- What you’ve eaten recently.
- Your stress levels at the time.
What happens if you get caught drink driving?
The consequence of driving under the influence of alcohol is very strict, and the drink driving penalties include the following:
- A minimum 1-year driving ban.
- A criminal record.
- A fine of up to £5,000.
- An endorsement for 11 years on your driving licence.
There are further consequences of losing your driving licence
- Excessive cost of car insurance in the future.
- The prejudice of being a criminal.
- If you have a driving ban, you lose your independence.
- You could lose your job.
- Problems travelling to countries such as the USA.